Mix it well to feel our taste

We export all essential food items

We deliver our products to worldwide. Send us a inquiry to more information about custom orders. We always grantee quick processing time and quality.



Become a partner with Synergy


Fast processing

Contact us to become a partner. We take special care of each order and make it quickly.


Quality Packaging

All the products are packed with care with maximum hygiene. We can prepare a custom labels for your products


Worldwide Delivery

We deliver our products to worldwide. Send us a inquiry to more information about custom orders. We always grantee quick processing time and quality.


A Few Words About Us

We export hundreds of quality & natural spices

We at Synergy Lanka are dedicated to your health through our commitment to producing quality spices from Sri Lanka. As a trending exporter from Sri Lanka, we always respect our values and culture.

This Is Why

You Should Choose Us

Certified Company

ISO 9000 Certification

Quality Services

We provide quality service for our partners and direct customers by providing quality food items

Affordable Pricing

We believe you are waiting to taste goodness of Sri Lankan foods and here we always offer best prices.

10+ Years of Experience in Spices & Food Exporting

We deliver our products to worldwide. Send us a inquiry to more information about custom orders. 

Some of our quality


We at Synergy provide a wide range of products specially selected for our customers who live aboard. We maintain the taste and quality of products by choosing the best ingredients.